Our values
Our values

Our goal isn't to offer all possible titles, but rather to select quality books matching you. Trust us ... or let us order for you.

We designed our bookshop as a second home. We wish for our guests to (re)discover the book or books matching them in a place where they can sit and get to know each other.

The love of books is our driving force. Since childhood, we've been immersed in the universes of the fantastical and the lyrical, so we can't wait to share advices and opinions together.

Literature is the reflection of our cultures. Culture is sharing. Through our books and activities, we wish to be this space of exchanges and sharing.
Your hosts
Your hosts
Books have been my first friends. I've climbed the Mountain of Doom side by side with Frodo and Sam. I've started my studies at Hogwarts the same year as Harry Potter. I've cried on Hemingway's shoulder. I've felt the pain of Frankenstein's monster and I've dreamed in Asimov's arms.
Being a bookseller makes me feel at home and I discover new travelling companions every day.
Already a child of peculiar tastes, I didn't get any different as an adult. The love of all that's morbid and sinister combined with a thirst to learn more about the world around me. Edgar Allan Poe fed the first while Émile Zola watered the second.
A fan of horror, History and classics, I want to offer books that look like me as a bookseller : unconventional and out of the box.
The Bookshop Mons
Rue de la Chaussée 26-28, 7000 Mons (Belgique)