Votre librairie anglophone

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Votre librairie anglophone

 Nous offrons une sélection de livres exclusivement en anglais : que vous soyez un fan de la littérature classique ou un adepte du 9e art, vous trouverez votre compagnon idéal.  

Où nous trouver ?

Le Livre du mois

She has only one function: to breed. If Offred refuses to enter into sexual servitude to repopulate a devastated world, she will be hanged. Yet even a repressive state cannot eradicate hope and desire.

As she recalls her pre-revolution life in flashbacks, Offred must navigate through the terrifying landscape of torture and persecution in the present day, and between two men upon which her future hangs.

Le Livre du mois

She has only one function: to breed. If Offred refuses to enter into sexual servitude to repopulate a devastated world, she will be hanged. Yet even a repressive state cannot eradicate hope and desire.

As she recalls her pre-revolution life in flashbacks, Offred must navigate through the terrifying landscape of torture and persecution in the present day, and between two men upon which her future hangs. 

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